
July 13, 2020

Aiming at a Common Market, Not Redistribution

In 2018 the European Commission presented its proposed EU budget as “new,” “modern” and “focused.” However, in terms of its expenditure and revenue the budget proposal continues to diverge significantly from what would appropriately address current challenges facing the EU27 and contribute to its economic dynamism, well-being and security.
February 14, 2020

A New Chapter Between the EU and Vietnam

In 2019, the European Commission agreed a landmark Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Vietnam, which was ratified by the European Parliament earlier this week. While it is a positive move, concerns remain about restrictive and interventionist quotas in the agreement as well as human rights issues on the Vietnamese side.
January 27, 2020

Climate Crises: The Myth of Eco Refugees

On 2nd December 2019, delegations from the United Nations convened in Madrid for COP25, the 25th annual Climate Change Conference. They gathered to discuss what is currently being done to counteract the effects of climate change.
November 1, 2019

Time to Liberate Libra?

Libra, the new private digital money system sponsored by Facebook and a consortium of other firms, was announced on 18th June 2019, and officially aims to reduce certain inefficiencies in the remittance industry.
August 24, 2019

Two Cheers for the EU-Mercosur Agreement

The new EU-Mercosur Agreement only superficially rejects protectionism. As much as it liberalises trade, it also protects European defensive interests and extends the EU’s regulatory influence, to the detriment of Mercosur producers and European consumers.
August 21, 2019

Two Cheers for the EU-mercosur Agreement

The new EU-Mercosur Agreement only superficially rejects protectionism. As much as it liberalises trade, it also protects European defensive interests and extends the EU’s regulatory influence, to the detriment of Mercosur producers and European consumers.