
October 21, 2021

Changing Competences

The European Union often concludes international trade agreements, which contain shared competences with the Member States (the so-called mixed competences agreements), thus they require ratification from the national and/or regional parliaments in order to be enforced.
October 14, 2021

Raising Barriers

The voting patterns of political parties in the national parliaments of Greece, Italy and Spain, and of their members of the European Parliament, show certain similarities, including a tendency for parties in government to support free trade agreements and those in opposition to resist them, whatever their political orientation.
March 2, 2021

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is Oversold

After almost seven years of discussions and negotiations, it was announced on December 30, 2020, that the EU and China concluded in principle the negotiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).
February 1, 2021

The Economic Cost Of Catalonia’s Hypothetical Independence

Since the 2017 constitutional crisis in Catalonia, the momentum to secede from Spain has grown, but the potential economic impact has not been thoroughly assessed. This report outlines the possible economic costs both for Catalonia and the rest of Spain.