
April 1, 2015

Company Finance in the EU, and the Capital Markets Union

Post-crisis financial regulation of banks and new regulations being developed for insurance companies have likely contributed to the dearth of financing for EU companies. The Commission must consider the adverse impact that regulatory measures, both at Union and Member State levels, have had on business finance.
April 1, 2015

Position Sur Le “Dégroupage” Des Moteurs De Recherche

Le « dégroupage » réduirait sévèrement la capacité des moteurs de recherche à innover, tout en augmentant également les barrières à l’entrée pour de nouveaux acteurs et en décourageant l’investissement dans le secteur numérique.
March 1, 2015

The Energy Union: Why Liberalisation Matters

The Energy Union can further the process of opening up and integrating energy markets within the European Union. However, there is a risk that behind the proposal a new wave of regulation looms, both at national and EU levels.
February 2, 2015

Brexit: Directions for Britain Outside the EU

It is quite possible that there will be a referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union in the next few years. However, few people have well-formed views on what they believe should happen if we leave the EU.
January 1, 2015

Response: European Commission Report on Investment Protection in TTIP

A response to the European Commission’s findings in its 2014 consultation on investment protection and the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP, including the four areas for further improvement identified by DG TRADE.
November 20, 2014

Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Myths and Reality

With cross-border trade volumes reaching new heights every year, and with governments still prone to arbitrary action, there is a need for effective, transparent, independent and swift ISDS. CETA, TTIP and future trade deals should contain an ISDS chapter.
October 1, 2014

Against Government Planning Over the Airwaves: a Free-market Approach to Spectrum Management

The development of television and mobile communications in the coming years will depend on the future of the UHF band, currently the subject of discussions at national and international levels. Regulators should resist the temptation of premature and radical intervention and abandon the traditional dirigiste model of spectrum management.
October 1, 2014

Promoting Competition and Energy Security in Europe

The success of the internal market for products can and should be repeated for energy. Natural barriers to market entry in terms of infrastructure can be overcome by private and/ or public investment if proper returns on investment are allowed.