June 1, 2015

Position: Digital Single Market Proposals

The digital revolution is increasingly making barriers to access, trade and innovation obsolete. Remaining obstacles to more efficient exchange of digital goods and services across the EU must be examined in this context. It is very likely that a continued open environment to innovation will be the most effective way to remove whatever barriers still exist. In general, the bias should be against new regulation.
May 1, 2015

La Politique De Concurrence Dans L’économie Numérique

À la lumière des affaires récentes dans le secteur numérique, la politique de concurrence doit changer. Les chiffres portant sur les parts de marché tendent à sous-estimer la prédominance des forces concurrentielles, et les enquêtes récentes de la DG COMP ont systématiquement ignoré la possibilité que des innovations majeures se produisent en dehors du marché concerné.
April 1, 2015

Competition Policy in the Digital Economy

In light of recent cases in the digital sector, competition policy needs to change. Market share figures tend to underestimate the prevalence of competitive forces, and recent DG COMP probes have consistently ignored the possibility of innovation coming from outside the relevant market. Without a substantive change in outlook, it is likely that competition will be harmed by intervention.
April 1, 2015

Position Sur Le “Dégroupage” Des Moteurs De Recherche

Le « dégroupage » réduirait sévèrement la capacité des moteurs de recherche à innover, tout en augmentant également les barrières à l’entrée pour de nouveaux acteurs et en décourageant l’investissement dans le secteur numérique.
October 1, 2012

The Scrapping of the Telecoms Network

The break-up of the Telecom Italia network, while positive from a market competition perspective, could yet reveal itself as a tool for the former monopolist to determine the manner and time-frame in which it should take place.
September 1, 2009

The ‘Google Affair’ and the Future of the Internet

Can the supply of material on the web be regulated? How to take action on content considered offensive? But above all, where does responsibility lie? Does it lie with the creator of the content, or with the infrastructure through which it flows?