
March 23, 2016

Regulatory Inertia Is Holding Back the Digital Economy in Europe

It is a cliché to observe that digital technology is changing the way we work and interact with each other. But technological innovation also has profound implications for legislation and the way in which public authorities regulate the economy.
January 18, 2016

Commissioner Vestager Misunderstands Where the Value of Data Lies

EurActiv reports this morning on a speech delivered by Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager at the DLD conference in Munich on Sunday. In it, Vestager hints at possible action by the EU’s antitrust watchdog in cases where online businesses used data collection to exclude competitors.
October 27, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air in Digital Competition Policy

Let’s say it loud and clear: There is hope for EU competition policy! After months of negative headlines and high-profile probes of the European digital sector, one was delighted to read a decidedly more forward-looking take on the approach competition regulators should have towards online platforms.
September 1, 2013

Facts and Analysis: An Integrated European Market for Card, Internet and Mobile Payments

Regulation, specifically Interchange Fee caps on credit and debit cards, would be especially harmful to consumers and new merchants or start-up businesses that rely on or are developing new innovative solutions for the e-commerce market.