
November 28, 2019

Norwegian Sugar Tax Sends Sweet-lovers Over Border to Sweden

It seems unfair to call it a sweet shop. In the shopping centre north of Charlottenberg in south-western Sweden, barely four miles from Norway and less than 90 minutes’ drive from Oslo, is a candy superstore.
January 9, 2019

Note About the White House Report ‘opportunity Costs of Socialism’

The White House’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) has published a report: “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism”. It is an interesting report with many relevant findings and conclusions. Its primary focus is describing the (negative) economic consequences of socialism as it was practiced in for example the Soviet Union. The report also includes a section about the Nordic countries including Denmark.
May 19, 2016

The Swedish Gender Equality Paradox

The Swedish gender equality discussion is characterized by a remarkable paradox. While Sweden, along with the other Nordic countries, tops the international index of gender equality, we perform abysmally in terms of female entrepreneurship and top managers.