rule of law

June 16, 2016

The Authoritarian Populism Index: Main Findings

The Authoritarian Populist Index (TAP) includes both right- and left-wing populist parties and covers all national elections in 33 European countries, from 1980 to 2016. The Index shows an alarming development, with authoritarian and illiberal parties and ideas steadily gaining influence across the continent.
May 1, 2016

Bans on Homesharing Won’t Redress Berlin’s Housing Shortage

A law banning short-term apartment rentals just came into force in Berlin. The measure, which was passed in 2014 but only entered into force on 1 May, is aimed at releasing housing for Berliners. In the words of Andreas Geise, the city’s head of urban development, the law is “a necessary and sensible instrument against the housing shortage in Berlin.”
February 3, 2016

How Italy Is Doing, Without the Romance

The founder of Public Choice theory, Nobel Laureate James Buchanan, called it “politics without romance”. Buchanan wanted to show that politics is not a different world where all-knowing enlightened politicians make decisions for the greater good.
January 11, 2016

A Statist Agenda Would Destroy All the Gains Spain Has Made Since Joining the EU

In many ways, Spain is the EU’s poster child. The country’s determination to be part of the European project was a major driver of political consensus in its successful transition to democracy after 1975.
December 1, 2015

Reforms and Growth: The 2015 IBL Index of Liberalisations

EPICENTER’s Italian partner, Istituto Bruno Leoni, just released its 2015 Index of Liberalisations report. This study, first conducted in 2007 and led by Dr Carlo Stagnaro, ranks EU Member States according to how free and open their markets are in a range of sectors.
October 29, 2015

Poland After the Elections: The Risk of Growing State Intervention

The elections held this Sunday 25 October have brought substantial change in the makeup of the Polish parliament. After eight years in power, Civic Platform (PO) lost to the main opposition party Law and Justice (PiS), led by former Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczynski.