
September 13, 2023

The Eternal Battle between Ideology and Expertise

In politics and policymaking, controversies and conflicts arise often. The term denotes situations where even knowledgeable, rational, and sincere actors struggle to resolve an issue purely by examining the available expertise.
August 23, 2023

Profit-driven Sustainability: The Market Forces Behind ESG Compliance

Politicians often forget that it is profit that drives firms in a society built upon the tangible benefits of capitalism, and that it is the pursuit of profit that will lead companies to adopt sustainable environmental, social, and governmental (ESG) practices.
August 4, 2023

The European Green Deal is Not About the Environment

The Italian minister of economic affairs, Giancarlo Giorgetti, has warned that radicalisation of environmental policies could result in a political “crisis of rejection” of their goals. These concerns are all but misguided.
July 27, 2023

Alcohol Advertising: What Does The Evidence Show?

The economics literature shows that advertising can increase the sale of individual brands but, in mature markets, does not increase aggregate sales of the type of product being advertised.
July 26, 2023

Copying Denmark’s Nordic Neighbours

This briefing summarises a recent analysis by the CEPOS, which investigates how Denmark can become one of the economically freest countries in the world by adopting a framework similar to other Nordic countries.