
April 1, 2016

Prospects for Agricultural Reform in the EU

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is today the EU’s most expensive policy, taking up almost half of the annual budget. It is also its most interventionist and complex policy. Multiple reforms have created a system of decoupled payments to farmers that protect and prolong the life of small-scale farms and constrain large-scale farming and the evolution towards a more efficient industry structure.
March 23, 2016

Regulatory Inertia Is Holding Back the Digital Economy in Europe

It is a cliché to observe that digital technology is changing the way we work and interact with each other. But technological innovation also has profound implications for legislation and the way in which public authorities regulate the economy.
February 1, 2016

Regulatory Approaches to the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is based on reductions in transaction costs which enable exchanges that were previously not possible. Sharing economy firms facilitate a more efficient use of assets, to the benefit of both asset owners and prospective users. Its potential positive impact on welfare has been estimated at over €1,000 per EU citizen.
December 23, 2015

An Early Christmas Present for Scottish Drinkers: ECJ Rules Against Minimum Alcohol Pricing

The European Court of Justice has today ruled that minimum pricing for alcohol is illegal if less restrictive measures, such as tax rises, can serve the same purpose of reducing alcohol consumption.