
April 1, 2017

Education 4.0

Current schooling systems are badly equipped to deal with rapid technological innovation and changing work patterns such as the sharing economy and the rise of portfolio careers. This is particularly true of southern European countries where centralisation has restricted educational freedom and has led to weaker student performance and persistently high rates of youth unemployment
April 1, 2017

The EU and Norway: a Complex Relationship

The EEA Agreement was signed in 1992, and entered into force in 1994. Until now, EEA EFTA countries have been able to enjoy the benefits of the European Single Market whilst remaining outside of Brussels’ ever-closer-union agenda.
March 1, 2017

Regulations and Complexity Harm EU Labour Mobility

Labour market mobility in the European Union is increasing, but it remains too low to provide sufficient internal socio-economic adjustments. This situation reflects non-policy factors, such as linguistic and cultural differences, but also policy barriers. In particular, difficulties in the recognition of skills and professional qualifications and occupational licensing are still major hurdles.
March 1, 2017

The Importance of an Anti-lobbying Clause

The composition of civil society at the EU level is largely dictated by which groups the European Commission chooses to fund. Furthermore, citizens have not been consulted directly on this. Instead they have been ventriloquised through a select group of charities, think tanks and other organisations which are directly financed by the EU.
March 1, 2017

Solvency II and the CMU: Unlocking Contractual Savings’ Investment

Even though the free movement of capital has been a legislative reality in the European Union since the Treaty of Rome, the markets for most financial services and products remain largely divided.
March 1, 2017

A Freer Energy Market Can Power Europe’s Security

Recent EC proposals fail to explain how alternative energy technologies such as fracking, a deeper energy trade relationship with Europe’s biggest trading partner – the United States – and a freer internal energy market can boost the Union’s energy security strategy.
February 1, 2017

Getting the State Out of Pre-school & Childcare

Decisions on childcare arrangements were largely a private matter until the 1990s. A political consensus has since arisen that government action is needed to raise the quality of provision, to make it more affordable and to support parental labour market attachment.
February 1, 2017

High-powered Reforms to EU Energy Policy

The achievement of efficient and secure energy supply and a clean environment do not have to be conflicting objectives. However, meeting both goals will require meaningful market-oriented reform of energy policy at the EU level.