
March 31, 2020

What the EU Can Learn From Swiss and Scandinavian Carbon Tax Policies

The EU has established a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions through a €1tn European Green Deal. It aims to make the entire bloc carbon neutral by 2050. It includes a measure that, until now, has been considered too unwieldy, provocative, and legally troublesome for any nation to adopt: a carbon border tax.
March 16, 2020

Is the European Commission to Blame for the Absence of European Champions?

Following the veto of the Alstom-Siemens merger, the European Commission has been criticised for preventing the creation of “European champions” of comparable size to those emerging from the United States in the digital field or China in the industrial field.
March 11, 2020

Giving the EU-GCC Trade Relations a Chance

Oman started 2020 off on the right foot when it comes to economic freedom. Only a few days before Sultan Qaboos passed away on January 10th, a new Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL) came into force to visibly lower barriers to foreign investment in the Sultanate.
January 22, 2020

Rent Controls: How They Damage the Housing Market, the Economy and Society

Rent controls are now being discussed in cities like Berlin, London, and New York. Sweden has had rent controls since 1942. There are at least nine reasons why the Swedish experience should serve as a cautionary example for other countries.
January 15, 2020

If We Want to Be Green, Trains Should Be Taxed and Not Subsidised

The argument made by many such as George Monbiot that the protection of the environment requires the destruction of capitalism has no credibility given the relative success of socialist and market economies when it comes to the protection of environmental resources.