
October 18, 2017

The Future of EU Finances

This Position Paper is a response to the Reflection Paper on the Future of EU Finances by the European Commission. The goal of this Paper is to evaluate the outlook for EU Budget, its trends and ongoing discussions and to present EU budget reform solutions that would change Europe, make it prosperous.
May 3, 2016

Tax and Labour Market Reform in Spain: A Work in Progress

When former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his Socialist party (PSOE) took office in early 2008, they argued that Spain was not entering an economic crisis, in spite of the fact that all macroeconomic indicators pointed to the contrary.
November 11, 2015

Deregulation and Reforms Are the Missing Ingredient in the Recovery

Writing in the Financial Times (“In the long shadow of the Great Recession,” 10 November), Martin Wolf meditates on the possible causes of substandard growth performance by many European economies in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.
May 1, 2013

Work Longer, Live Healthier: The Relationship Between Economic Activity, Health, and Government Policy

Higher state pension ages are not only possible (given longer life expectancy) and desirable (given the fiscal costs of state pensions) but later retirement should, in fact, lead to better average health in retirement.