
August 21, 2019

Two Cheers for the EU-mercosur Agreement

The new EU-Mercosur Agreement only superficially rejects protectionism. As much as it liberalises trade, it also protects European defensive interests and extends the EU’s regulatory influence, to the detriment of Mercosur producers and European consumers.
December 8, 2016

The Failure of Magnette’s “Namur Declaration”

On December 5th, Paul Magnette, the current Minister-President of the French-speaking region of Wallonia, Belgium, unveiled his so-called “Namur Declaration”, a 3-page-long statement whose aim is to “radically remake” EU trade policy.
November 10, 2016

Initiatives Against Posted Workers – Protectionism in Disguise

Posting of workers plays an essential role in the internal market of the European Union. Drawing on the fundamental values of the free movement of persons and the free movement of services, it allows workers from one EU member state to work and carry out services in another member state on a temporary basis.
December 3, 2015

The UK’s Competition Watchdog Is Right to Combat Taxi Protectionism

In a response released yesterday, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) slammed measures proposed by Transport for London (TfL) to regulate private hire vehicles, notably innovative app-based services such as Uber.