
February 1, 2016

Regulatory Approaches to the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is based on reductions in transaction costs which enable exchanges that were previously not possible. Sharing economy firms facilitate a more efficient use of assets, to the benefit of both asset owners and prospective users. Its potential positive impact on welfare has been estimated at over €1,000 per EU citizen.
May 1, 2015

La Politique De Concurrence Dans L’économie Numérique

À la lumière des affaires récentes dans le secteur numérique, la politique de concurrence doit changer. Les chiffres portant sur les parts de marché tendent à sous-estimer la prédominance des forces concurrentielles, et les enquêtes récentes de la DG COMP ont systématiquement ignoré la possibilité que des innovations majeures se produisent en dehors du marché concerné.
April 1, 2015

Competition Policy in the Digital Economy

In light of recent cases in the digital sector, competition policy needs to change. Market share figures tend to underestimate the prevalence of competitive forces, and recent DG COMP probes have consistently ignored the possibility of innovation coming from outside the relevant market. Without a substantive change in outlook, it is likely that competition will be harmed by intervention.
April 1, 2015

Company Finance in the EU, and the Capital Markets Union

Post-crisis financial regulation of banks and new regulations being developed for insurance companies have likely contributed to the dearth of financing for EU companies. The Commission must consider the adverse impact that regulatory measures, both at Union and Member State levels, have had on business finance.
April 1, 2015

Position Sur Le “Dégroupage” Des Moteurs De Recherche

Le « dégroupage » réduirait sévèrement la capacité des moteurs de recherche à innover, tout en augmentant également les barrières à l’entrée pour de nouveaux acteurs et en décourageant l’investissement dans le secteur numérique.
October 1, 2014

The TTIP and the Future of EU Free Trade Agreements

The free-trade deal between Canada and the European Union has often been described as a template for the potentially much larger Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership currently being negotiated with the United States. As such it provides a good case study in the pitfalls that might plague, not just the TTIP, but other future trade agreements that the EU embarks upon.
October 1, 2014

Taxation and the Digital Economy

It is widely acknowledged that Europe lags behind when it comes to digital entrepreneurship. The largest players in the digital economy are based elsewhere, primarily in the US, Japan, Israel, and even China.
October 1, 2014

Free Movement of Labour and the Future of the Welfare State

The free movement of workers across Member States is one the main historic achievements of the European integration process. Not only is such freedom important from the individual worker’s perspective, dramatically increasing the scope of potential employment opportunities. In a situation of uneven economic development, such mobility has also proven to be an important mechanism as a free-market regulator.