
January 14, 2019

Violations of the Rule of Law Principles in Poland Despite Recent Amendments

On 21 November, public opinion in Poland and the EU was surprised by the ruling Law and Justice’s (PiS) proposal “backtracking on controversial reforms it made to lower the retirement age of Supreme Court judges”.
September 6, 2018

Minimum Wage Regulation; It’s Complicated

Raising mandatory minimum wage might seem to be a simple policy that serves to increase wages for low-income earners. Politicians use this policy with good intentions to reduce poverty and inequality. Yet, it has serious drawbacks and creates unintended consequences.
June 4, 2018

EU Measure Doesn’t Capture Poverty

The EU member states have agreed that 20 million people should be lifted out of poverty by 2020. However, the measure that the European Commission uses does not capture poverty but inequality. This mismeasurement leads to erroneous conclusions about the nature and extent of poverty in Europe, as well as how it should be tackled.