
September 1, 2014

Towards a Robust Financial Sector – How Should Tax and Regulation Evolve?

The economic and financial crisis has affected the ability of the EU financial sector to channel funds towards the real economy. Heavy dependence on bank intermediation, combined with bank deleveraging and reduced investor confidence, has reduced funding to the economy.
June 1, 2014

Position on Expanding the Interchange Fee Regulation to Commercial Payment Cards

The measures proposed by the European Commission are not suitable for achieving a single market in card payment services. On the contrary, the measures proposed by EC would be harmful. The regulations would have the greatest negative effect on consumers, who are likely to incur relatively higher card handling fees, and to lose part of discounts or incentives.
May 1, 2014

Facts and Analysis: the Small Loans Market and Regulation in Lithuania

The small loans market (quick credit, pay-day loans) often gets a lot of criticism in the media. Its critics state that the market has too little supervision; that the industry does not properly assess the ability of customers to repay their loan; and that interest rates are artificially high.