
December 1, 2020

The Best Choice for the US Economy

The American presidential election was really about choosing the lesser of two evils. The combination of Biden as president and a Republican majority in the Senate may very well end up being the best possible political outcome – not just for the US but also the rest of us.
November 20, 2020

Is Gaia-X Doomed to Fail

As we are nearing the end of the German presidency of the Council of the EU, it is time to assess the term’s projects and aspirations. One of these is GAIA-X, an initiative started by Germany and France to create a federated cloud infrastructure.
November 18, 2020

Free Trade is a Human Right

As Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States, international trade will be the center of attention again. Joe Biden is not a free trader by nature, but he will make US trade policy far more predictable than his predecessor.
November 11, 2020

Economically Free Countries Have Fewer and Less Severe Economic Crises

With most of the world in a deep economic crisis due to coronavirus and the government reactions to it, knowledge of effective crisis policy has become salient.
October 28, 2020

Towards a More Autonomous EU

The European Council President Charles Michel envisions a more “autonomous” (i.e. economically self-sufficient) EU. However, this pursuit of economic independence, under the guise of ‘strategic autonomy’, is not only unnecessary but also comes with costs: the impediment of global free trade and increased costs for consumers.
October 8, 2020

Finding the Right Balance EU-China Relations After COVID-19

The virtual meeting between top-level EU and Chinese officials on 14 September appears to be an ironic metaphor of the increasing distance in the relationship. The online meeting replaced the much-anticipated Leipzig Summit, which aimed to further integrate two key economies in the world.
September 17, 2020

Institutional Proximity and Economic Freedom

The European Union has long positioned itself in a unique role in the international policy sphere. The concept of the EU as a ‘normative actor’ has gained significant currency, as it aims to build a privileged relationship with selected neighbouring countries with programmes such as the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).
September 10, 2020

Labour Regulation in Europe During Covid-19

The regulation of labour and employment lies at the heart of any debate on economic freedom. State intervention into the labour market, and especially so-called ‘hiring and firing laws’, are crucial in shaping the degree to which employment can adjust to changing environments and react to crisis.