
December 3, 2020

Minimum Wage Wars in Europe

At the end of October, the European Commission proposed a Directive to introduce adequate minimum wages across the EU. Although the end objective is socially considerate and far-reaching, the means of achieving statutory minimum wage would not only be harmful for the most vulnerable workers in society, but would negatively affect the economies of Eastern Europe.
September 10, 2020

Labour Regulation in Europe During Covid-19

The regulation of labour and employment lies at the heart of any debate on economic freedom. State intervention into the labour market, and especially so-called ‘hiring and firing laws’, are crucial in shaping the degree to which employment can adjust to changing environments and react to crisis.
June 22, 2018

Labour Migration and Employment Flexibility

Economic migrants rarely displace local labour force. Immigrants are more likely to complement existing labour force creating opportunities for growth and bringing needed skills. Foreign workers reduce imbalances in local economies by filling in the demand for workers that a local economy cannot provide or by taking up jobs that local workers do want to pursue.
December 1, 2017

Extreme Disparity in European Labour Markets: an Employment Flexibility Index

The recent Employment Flexibility Index uses data provided by the World Bank’s Doing Business Labour Market Regulation Questionnaire to compare labour market regulations.
July 1, 2017

The Tax Burden of Workers in the EU: a Summary

First published in 2010, the 2017 Tax Burden study by the Institut économique Molinari measures the tax and social security burdens on individual employees earning typical salaries in each of the 28 Member States.