
October 1, 2012

The Scrapping of the Telecoms Network

The break-up of the Telecom Italia network, while positive from a market competition perspective, could yet reveal itself as a tool for the former monopolist to determine the manner and time-frame in which it should take place.
May 1, 2010

Are Green Jobs Real Jobs? The Case of Italy.

The European Union has committed itself to increase the share of renewable energy up to 20% of the final consumption by 2020, from 9.2% in 2006 (EC 2009). The same political wave is mounting in several other countries, most notably the United States.
September 1, 2009

The ‘Google Affair’ and the Future of the Internet

Can the supply of material on the web be regulated? How to take action on content considered offensive? But above all, where does responsibility lie? Does it lie with the creator of the content, or with the infrastructure through which it flows?