
September 1, 2019

The Nanny State Index 2019

The Epicenter Nanny State Index is a league table of the best and worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape. Finland tops the table as the least free country. Germany is the freest country.
May 28, 2017

Nanny State Index Summary

The EPICENTER Nanny State Index is the only comprehensive league table of lifestyle regulations. The latest data suggest that the EU is becoming a worse place to eat, drink, vape and smoke because of overregulation.
June 1, 2016

The Authoritarian Populism Index: Main Findings

The Authoritarian Populist Index (TAP) includes both right- and left-wing populist parties and covers all national elections in 33 European countries, from 1980 to 2016. The Index shows an alarming development, with authoritarian and illiberal parties and ideas steadily gaining influence across the continent.
December 1, 2014

Ibl Index of Liberalizations 2014

The new edition of Istituto Bruno Leoni’s Index of Liberalizations ranks the UK as the most liberalized country in the EU-15, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden. The Index surveys a range of sectors, from energy and telecommunications to transport and insurance, ranking each of the EU-15 Member States relative to the one which scores highest.