
July 8, 2024

Why European Firms Can’t Compete with SpaceX

I came across a statement that surprised me with its boldness. It claimed that in 2008, the economic strength of the eurozone was roughly at par with that of the US. Additionally, today – 16 years later – the economic strength of the US is twice as much as that of the eurozone.
May 28, 2024

Minimum Corporate Income Tax: Implementation Challenges and a Way Forward for the European Union

Globalisation-related pressures have led countries across the world to reduce CIT rates, making taxation more business-friendly. Despite the decrease in tax rates, tax revenues are not falling.
October 11, 2023

A Regulatory Budget Could Grow the Danish GDP by 13,8%

International literature consistently reveals that excessive regulation hampers economic growth. This CEPOS briefing conducted a thorough analysis of 68 studies investigating the link between regulation and growth, with most indicating a negative correlation, signifying that increased regulation impedes economic progress.
February 23, 2022

Oxfam’s Bad Ideas Entrench Poverty, Disease and Destitution

Oxfam is back to their old tricks, making pseudoscientific claims about inequality. It is once again hating on the rich while backing policies that will do nothing to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poor.
January 27, 2022

Will the 2020s Be a Good Decade for Classical Liberals?

It is unlikely that most people will be rampant classical liberals by 2030. Still, for the remainder of the decade, the forces that classical liberals believe in, namely, the ability of markets to innovate, provide wealth, and improve living standards, will continue at a staggering pace.