
July 30, 2019

A New Beginning – Greece After the Elections

Unemployment peaked at 27.5%, more than 400,000 people emigrated in a single year, and the debt to GDP ratio reached 180%. The 2008 financial crisis hit Greece harder than every other European country, and the past 10 years have been a political and economic headache in the southern European country.
June 20, 2019

The Parliamentary Voting Behaviour of Populist Parties in Greece

Timbro’s methodological distinction in the Authoritarian Populism Index between extreme and authoritarian populist parties is highly relevant in the Greek political environment, as shown by the parliamentary voting patterns in the period 2012 – 2018.
June 13, 2016

Seven Years of Greek Crisis: Highlighting the Need for an Independent Monitoring Body

A lot has been said about the Greek crisis, and the abysmal track record of successive Greek governments. On the other hand, not a lot has been said about the Troika which oversees the Greek bailouts.
November 5, 2015

Spain’s Unemployment Problem – A Taxing Issue

One of the consequences of the Eurozone crisis has been to popularise the extremely high levels of unemployment now prevalent in Greece and Spain. With around a quarter of the active labour force out of a job, including close to 50 per cent of those 25 or younger, these two countries are indeed outliers in a continent whose average unemployment rate is itself higher than elsewhere in the world.
November 4, 2015

The Key Measure in the Greek Crisis Is Political Capital

The Greek crisis has cost taxpayers across Europe hundreds of billions of euros, compounded a huge recession which has plunged the country into vast unemployment and strangled the Greek private sector by burdening it with incredible amounts of taxation.