gender pay gap

July 12, 2024

Is The Glass Ceiling a Myth?

Women in Slovakia earn on average 16.6 per cent less than men. In the EU, the pay gap is around 12 per cent. However, this popularly quoted figure does not account for the fact that women and men work in different sectors, in different positions, and for different lengths of time.
August 11, 2021

Mind the Gap: Pay Transparency Provisions in the Eu

The European Commission seeks to strengthen the principle of equal pay for work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
May 19, 2016

The Swedish Gender Equality Paradox

The Swedish gender equality discussion is characterized by a remarkable paradox. While Sweden, along with the other Nordic countries, tops the international index of gender equality, we perform abysmally in terms of female entrepreneurship and top managers.