free trade

April 15, 2020

Could ‘Lombardy Bonds’ Be the Answer to the Eurozone Debt Puzzle?

At the last Eurogroup meeting, Eurozone finance ministers agreed to set up a ‘Recovery Fund’ to help trigger an economic rebound once the lockdowns are over. But the vexed question of whether some shared ‘European’ debt should be issued has not been solved.
March 24, 2020

Coronavirus is Not the End of Globalisation

The outbreak of the new coronavirus COVID-19 has been described as a threat to globalisation. But spreading risk across the world is essential in order to make businesses and societies less fragile. This is not the end of globalisation, but the beginning of a new chapter.
March 16, 2020

Is the European Commission to Blame for the Absence of European Champions?

Following the veto of the Alstom-Siemens merger, the European Commission has been criticised for preventing the creation of “European champions” of comparable size to those emerging from the United States in the digital field or China in the industrial field.
March 11, 2020

The Pursuit of a More Popular EU May Be a Risky and Hazardous Business

Britain has left the EU. Politicians in Brussels and Member States are seeking a mission for The Union that has broad public appeal in order to gain support from populist tendencies instead of becoming the victim of them.
March 11, 2020

Giving the EU-GCC Trade Relations a Chance

Oman started 2020 off on the right foot when it comes to economic freedom. Only a few days before Sultan Qaboos passed away on January 10th, a new Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL) came into force to visibly lower barriers to foreign investment in the Sultanate.
February 27, 2020

Stop Trying to Make Trade Agreements “Woke”

Trade has lifted billions of people out of poverty by fostering international cooperation, expanding consumer choice, and above all, by integrating developing economies into the global economy. The impact of trade is incredibly far-reaching in scope.