free market

November 1, 2012

Barriers to Prosperity – Developing Countries and the Need for Trade Liberalisation

Non-tariff barriers are an important impediment to trade for less developed countries. They need to be brought to the forefront of the trade debate if developing countries are to move into the export of higher value added products.
October 1, 2012

The Scrapping of the Telecoms Network

The break-up of the Telecom Italia network, while positive from a market competition perspective, could yet reveal itself as a tool for the former monopolist to determine the manner and time-frame in which it should take place.
June 1, 2012

The Shadow Economy

Measurement of the shadow economy is notoriously difficult as it requires estimation of economic activity that is deliberately hidden from official transactions. Surveys typically understate the size of the shadow economy but econometric techniques can now be used to obtain a much better understanding of its size.