free market

November 1, 2016

Last Call for TTIP

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is currently in a negotiatory limbo. Even though the European Commission has estimated such an agreement would increase the size of the EU economy by at least €120 billion (or 0.5% of EU GDP) and the U.S economy by €95 billion (roughly 0.4% of U.S GDP), the deal looks more uncertain than ever before.
November 1, 2016

Living on Credit

November 30 marks Credit Day across the European Union. Credit Day is the day when member states’ central administrations exhaust their annual tax revenues and have to begin borrowing in order to meet their spending commitments for the rest of the year.
October 1, 2016

Innovation in Regulatory Approaches

An important part of the digital platform revolution is the sharing economy, which is based on reductions in transaction costs which enable exchanges that were previously not possible. Sharing economy firms facilitate a more efficient use of assets, to the benefit of both asset owners and prospective users.
May 16, 2016

An Interview with F. A. Hayek’s Student, Kurt Leube

“When I turned 15, my parents gave me a copy of “The Road to Serfdom”. Some of the ideas in Hayek’s book came as a shock to me, and I contacted the editor, who eventually gave me the address of Hayek’s summer residence in Tirol. I knocked and he opened his door. We started discussing, and we never stopped, until his last years.”
May 1, 2016

TTIP: a Pre-mortem

o say that negotiations for an EU-U.S. trade deal, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), have lost momentum since they kicked off in the summer of 2013 is an understatement. The pact’s slow progress looks set to become the greatest disappointment since Scott Walker’s (remember him?) failed Republican presidential bid.
May 1, 2016

Pricking the Balloon on Eurozone Deflation

As growth rates in the Eurozone gather steam, policymakers’ concerns are increasingly shifting to low inflation. According to Eurostat, consumer prices in the Eurozone have declined by 0.2% in the past year.