free market

June 1, 2017

Spanish Tax Freedom Day

In 2017, the average Spaniard will have worked 178 days in order to fulfill their tax obligations. In other words, Tax Freedom Day, calculated annually by Think Tank Civismo, takes place on 28 June, one day ahead of last year’s.
May 28, 2017

Nanny State Index Summary

The EPICENTER Nanny State Index is the only comprehensive league table of lifestyle regulations. The latest data suggest that the EU is becoming a worse place to eat, drink, vape and smoke because of overregulation.
May 1, 2017

Time to Re-think the EU Trade Policy

As of 2017, the EU has 44 trade agreements in place with more than 60 countries across the globe. In addition, five accords have been finalised but are not yet being applied (with East African countries, Ecuador, Singapore, Vietnam and West Africa).
May 1, 2017


According to the latest IBL Super Index, the degree of internal divergence within Eurozone countries keeps increasing. This means that the gap between Eurozone periphery countries, such as – for example – Italy, and other comparable countries in the European Union is widening.
April 12, 2017

Sea Change: How Markets and Property Rights Can Advance the Common Fisheries Policy

As the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union, the UK Government is expected to lay claim to a 200-nautical-mile fishing border off its coastal line and renegotiate agreements for fishing stocks that are shared with the European Union and neighbouring countries.
April 1, 2017

Skill Mismatch: the New Challenge for Spain

As the Spanish economy recovers, rethinking education reform should be a top priority. Spanish workers are Europe’s most overqualified, but also suffer from the greatest skill mismatch, lacking the skills necessary for their jobs.