free market

August 1, 2017

The CCCTB is Not the Corporate Tax Reform the EU Needs

According to the Commission, the new CCCTB initiative is the most ambitious corporate tax reform ever proposed in the EU. However, despite the most noble intentions, the proposal presents a number of fundamental problems.
July 27, 2017

Tax Freedom Day 2017

The purpose of this study is to compare the tax and social security burdens of individual employees earning typical salaries in each of the 28 member states of the European Union and, in doing so, to determine a “tax liberation day” — measuring how much of each year’s work is devoted to paying taxes — for workers in each country.
July 1, 2017

Minimum Income Policies in the EU: a Misguided Proposal

The European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs are currently promoting a new legislative proposal on minimum income policies as a tool for fighting poverty.
June 1, 2017

Platform for Debate

Platform businesses bring together distinct but interdependent sets of users in such a way as to improve the welfare of each side of the market. Their central value proposition is the reduction of transaction costs, which increases the number of viable exchanges in the market.