
February 7, 2019

The Mass Demonstrations in France is a Reaction to the Effects of Interventionism, Not Liberalism

Mass protests of the “yellow vests” have been taking place in France since 17 November 2018. The catalyst of the demonstration was a fuel tax increase, supposed to place a disproportionate burden on the middle class from the province.
January 30, 2019

Employment Flexibility Index 2019

The Employment Flexibility Index 2019 of the member states of the European Union (EU) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides a comparative quantitative analysis of labor regulation flexibility.
January 9, 2019

Note About the White House Report ‘opportunity Costs of Socialism’

The White House’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) has published a report: “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism”. It is an interesting report with many relevant findings and conclusions. Its primary focus is describing the (negative) economic consequences of socialism as it was practiced in for example the Soviet Union. The report also includes a section about the Nordic countries including Denmark.
November 10, 2018

The Fight Against Poverty Depends on Economic Freedom

The most obvious benefit of economic freedom is that, as a system, it is the most conducive to widespread prosperity, that is, to high or rising income and consumption for the bulk of the population.
September 6, 2018

The Social and Fiscal Contribution of French Top 40 Companies

The social and fiscal contribution from large companies in France and worldwide remains largely unrecognised. Traditional accounting and financial presentations do not provide for externalisation of the creation of value for the broader community.