
February 26, 2019

Better Regulation: Risks, Markets, Responsibility

A popular explanation for economic scandals, crises and suboptimal market outcomes is the lack of government regulation. This interpretation is intensively promoted by the promoters of a “bridled” market and by the communication departments of the respective administrations: only the supervision and control of the market economy by the bureaucratic state would ensure the integrity of economic actors. This would even apply to competition, which would allegedly be endangered without a dedicated authority.
February 20, 2019

Corporate Tax Out of Control

Do European companies pay their fair share of tax? Many companies headquartered in France, Germany, Italy and Spain show very low effective corporate tax rates (ECTRs). Their effective tax rates are often much lower than those of digital corporations, including the largest tech companies headquartered in the United States.
November 19, 2018

Shadow Economy: Understanding Drivers, Reducing Incentives

The aim of this publication is to present and analyse the results of representative population surveys into public perceptions of the shadow economy and engagement in illicit activities that were conducted in six countries – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic – between March and April, 2018.
September 6, 2018

Minimum Wage Regulation; It’s Complicated

Raising mandatory minimum wage might seem to be a simple policy that serves to increase wages for low-income earners. Politicians use this policy with good intentions to reduce poverty and inequality. Yet, it has serious drawbacks and creates unintended consequences.
June 6, 2018

Offshore Bet

The popular account of offshore financial centres as hotbeds of tax evasion is an outdated caricature that bears little resemblance to how OFCs operate. Our new report debunks a number of myths surrounding OFCs – or tax havens – and outlines the important economic function they play in a globalised world.
December 13, 2017

Super Index 2017

According the latest IBL Super Index, Italy is the sick man of Europe. Despite relatively rosy macroeconomic projections for the whole EU, the gap between Italy and its European partners has increased five fold since 2014.
October 1, 2017

The Consequences of Restricting the Posted Workers Directive

Posted workers are temporarily sent from one member state to another, usually for projects of short duration. There were 1.1. million posted workers in the EU in 2015, equivalent to 0.4 per cent of all full-time employment.