
November 25, 2015

The Eurozone’s Deposit Insurance Scheme Creates More Problems Than It Solves

The European Commission has released its plan for an EU-wide deposit insurance scheme that will, at first, back up and complement existing national deposit guarantee schemes (DGS), and, from 2024, substitute them as the guarantor of EU bank deposits of up to €100,000.
November 23, 2015

Corporate Taxation Slows Down Economic Recovery in France

In its latest study (in English and French), the Institut Économique Molinari shows that corporate taxation continues to slow down economic recovery in France despite the CICE, a tax credit meant to encourage competitiveness and employment.
November 20, 2015

Governments Should Undertake Their Own Corporate Tax Inversions

The U.S. Treasury has announced measures to prevent American companies from merging with foreign firms and shifting their tax domicile in the process, a practice known as a tax inversion (where the primary aim of the shift is to lower the merged firms’ tax liability).
November 13, 2015

Can We Have Integration Without Centralisation?

Philip Booth at the Institute of Economic Affairs makes a resolute case for Britain to become a federal country. He outlines the faults and imbalances of the UK’s current constitutional settlement, where powers are devolved to some of the nations – notably Scotland – while they remain centralised at the Westminster Parliament for others.
November 5, 2015

Spain’s Unemployment Problem – A Taxing Issue

One of the consequences of the Eurozone crisis has been to popularise the extremely high levels of unemployment now prevalent in Greece and Spain. With around a quarter of the active labour force out of a job, including close to 50 per cent of those 25 or younger, these two countries are indeed outliers in a continent whose average unemployment rate is itself higher than elsewhere in the world.
November 4, 2015

The Key Measure in the Greek Crisis Is Political Capital

The Greek crisis has cost taxpayers across Europe hundreds of billions of euros, compounded a huge recession which has plunged the country into vast unemployment and strangled the Greek private sector by burdening it with incredible amounts of taxation.
October 22, 2015

Little to Look Forward to in EU Corporation Tax

In a world where tax codes are riddled with loopholes and typically run into the thousands of pages, it should not come as a surprise that corporations would seek guidance on their potential tax liabilities prior to setting up shop in a country – and that governments would be eager to reassure investors.
April 30, 2015

Tax Rulings and State Aid: a Treacherous Mix

The benchmark for assessing the legitimacy of any tax measure is the overall tax regime of the country in question, while the tax regimes of other Member States appear to be irrelevant in this context.
December 16, 2014

Updating the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

The Commission should work to preserve the highest degree of tax competition between Member States. The CCCTB poses the danger of fundamentally hindering this vital feature of the internal market, and should therefore be reconsidered.