
May 3, 2016

Tax and Labour Market Reform in Spain: A Work in Progress

When former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his Socialist party (PSOE) took office in early 2008, they argued that Spain was not entering an economic crisis, in spite of the fact that all macroeconomic indicators pointed to the contrary.
December 3, 2015

The UK’s Competition Watchdog Is Right to Combat Taxi Protectionism

In a response released yesterday, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) slammed measures proposed by Transport for London (TfL) to regulate private hire vehicles, notably innovative app-based services such as Uber.
December 1, 2015

Reforms and Growth: The 2015 IBL Index of Liberalisations

EPICENTER’s Italian partner, Istituto Bruno Leoni, just released its 2015 Index of Liberalisations report. This study, first conducted in 2007 and led by Dr Carlo Stagnaro, ranks EU Member States according to how free and open their markets are in a range of sectors.
November 25, 2015

Shadow Economies in the Baltic Sea Region 2015

A new report by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute looks at perceptions and prevalence of the shadow economy in the Baltic Sea region. The shadow economy can be defined as the economic activity conducted outside of a country’s official economy, such as black market transactions and undeclared work.