fiscal policy

September 1, 2017

The Air Berlin-Lufthansa Deal Breaches EU Competition Laws and Hurts Germans Consumers

On 15 August, Air Berlin was forced to file for bankruptcy after the withdrawal of funding from Abu-Dhabi based Etihad Airways, which holds 29 percent stake in the German carrier.
July 12, 2017

CCCTB Round 2: an Exercise in Unification or Polarisation?

Originally suggested and then subsequently shelved in 2011, the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base is a policy designed to create a unified set of rules to calculate companies’ taxable profits across the EU.
December 7, 2016

European Superindex

It has been one year and a half since Professor Nicola Rossi and I started the Superindex at Istituto Bruno Leoni. The Superindex is an “ex-post performance indicator” of the impact of economic reforms, the main objective of which is to evaluate the path followed by selected European countries.