
April 1, 2015

Company Finance in the EU, and the Capital Markets Union

Post-crisis financial regulation of banks and new regulations being developed for insurance companies have likely contributed to the dearth of financing for EU companies. The Commission must consider the adverse impact that regulatory measures, both at Union and Member State levels, have had on business finance.
September 1, 2014

Towards a Robust Financial Sector – How Should Tax and Regulation Evolve?

The economic and financial crisis has affected the ability of the EU financial sector to channel funds towards the real economy. Heavy dependence on bank intermediation, combined with bank deleveraging and reduced investor confidence, has reduced funding to the economy.
March 1, 2014

Sin Taxes: the Examples of Alcohol and Tobacco

So‐called “sin” taxes are very much in fashion in France and elsewhere. With the aim of reducing “sinful” behaviour and financing the health care system, public authorities are planning to raise the tax load on alcohol and tobacco even higher.