
February 6, 2024

Q.E.D. Why Politicians Need an Evidence-based Approach to Policy Problems

Poor policymaking has significantly contributed to Europe’s challenges across various fields. Despite politicians’ professed commitment to evidence-based policymaking, the paper highlights how decisions are infected by populism and short-termism.
September 13, 2023

The Eternal Battle between Ideology and Expertise

In politics and policymaking, controversies and conflicts arise often. The term denotes situations where even knowledgeable, rational, and sincere actors struggle to resolve an issue purely by examining the available expertise.
March 15, 2023

An Evidence-based Tobacco Products Directive

Work is underway at the European Union to develop a third Tobacco Products Directive. This briefing outlines a number of simple measures that could be taken to improve regulation to encourage the use of reduced-risk nicotine products among smokers.
February 25, 2021

Should Classical Liberals Encourage Secession?

Europe is a continent of small and medium-sized nations, and many citizens in these nations wish to form even smaller ones. Should free-market liberals encourage further decentralisation and self-determination? Or should they rather emphasise the importance of stable and growing economies?
October 8, 2019

The Thunberg Phenomenon, Extinction Rebellion, and the Denial of Trade-offs

When it comes to environmental problems in general and global warming in particular, I empathise with those who take the issue seriously. I like nature and I am risk averse. However, I tend to disagree with most campaigners on their policy conclusions which are frequently dangerous, at best.
August 8, 2019

The Spanish Nanny State Takes a Step Back

As stated in the latest edition of EPICENTER’s Nanny State Index, Spain is one of the freer countries in the EU, coming 6th out of 28 states. More specifically, Spain improved four positions in the 2019 Index with respect to the 2017 edition.