June 29, 2016

Brexit: a Natural Experiment for the EU

Can a country do better after leaving the EU? Indeed, we can perform an even more granular analysis and seek to establish in which policy areas the greater policy flexibility and decentralisation which comes with departure might outweigh the cost of losing the EU’s four freedoms and its constitutional barriers against bad government policy.
June 16, 2016

The Authoritarian Populism Index: Main Findings

The Authoritarian Populist Index (TAP) includes both right- and left-wing populist parties and covers all national elections in 33 European countries, from 1980 to 2016. The Index shows an alarming development, with authoritarian and illiberal parties and ideas steadily gaining influence across the continent.
May 4, 2016

Bans on Home-sharing Won’t Redress Berlin’s Housing Shortage

A law banning short-term apartment rentals just came into force in Berlin. The measure, which was passed in 2014 but only entered into force on 1 May, is aimed at releasing housing for Berliners.
November 25, 2015

The Eurozone’s Deposit Insurance Scheme Creates More Problems Than It Solves

The European Commission has released its plan for an EU-wide deposit insurance scheme that will, at first, back up and complement existing national deposit guarantee schemes (DGS), and, from 2024, substitute them as the guarantor of EU bank deposits of up to €100,000.
October 22, 2015

Little to Look Forward to in EU Corporation Tax

In a world where tax codes are riddled with loopholes and typically run into the thousands of pages, it should not come as a surprise that corporations would seek guidance on their potential tax liabilities prior to setting up shop in a country – and that governments would be eager to reassure investors.
February 2, 2015

Brexit: Directions for Britain Outside the EU

It is quite possible that there will be a referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union in the next few years. However, few people have well-formed views on what they believe should happen if we leave the EU.