EU policy

July 15, 2020

Polish Minority Rights and the European Union

Polish president, Andrzej Duda, and his close political ally, the Law and Justice Party, PiS, have not been shy of controversies during this last political term in power. After infringing on the rule of law and going against EU values, the latest controversy ahead of the Sunday election has been their marginalization of the LGBT community.
March 31, 2020

What the EU Can Learn From Swiss and Scandinavian Carbon Tax Policies

The EU has established a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions through a €1tn European Green Deal. It aims to make the entire bloc carbon neutral by 2050. It includes a measure that, until now, has been considered too unwieldy, provocative, and legally troublesome for any nation to adopt: a carbon border tax.
October 8, 2019

The Thunberg Phenomenon, Extinction Rebellion, and the Denial of Trade-offs

When it comes to environmental problems in general and global warming in particular, I empathise with those who take the issue seriously. I like nature and I am risk averse. However, I tend to disagree with most campaigners on their policy conclusions which are frequently dangerous, at best.
September 1, 2019

The Nanny State Index 2019

The Epicenter Nanny State Index is a league table of the best and worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape. Finland tops the table as the least free country. Germany is the freest country.
July 30, 2019

A New Beginning – Greece After the Elections

Unemployment peaked at 27.5%, more than 400,000 people emigrated in a single year, and the debt to GDP ratio reached 180%. The 2008 financial crisis hit Greece harder than every other European country, and the past 10 years have been a political and economic headache in the southern European country.