EU policy

May 1, 2017


According to the latest IBL Super Index, the degree of internal divergence within Eurozone countries keeps increasing. This means that the gap between Eurozone periphery countries, such as – for example – Italy, and other comparable countries in the European Union is widening.
April 12, 2017

Sea Change: How Markets and Property Rights Can Advance the Common Fisheries Policy

As the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union, the UK Government is expected to lay claim to a 200-nautical-mile fishing border off its coastal line and renegotiate agreements for fishing stocks that are shared with the European Union and neighbouring countries.
April 1, 2017

Skill Mismatch: the New Challenge for Spain

As the Spanish economy recovers, rethinking education reform should be a top priority. Spanish workers are Europe’s most overqualified, but also suffer from the greatest skill mismatch, lacking the skills necessary for their jobs.
April 1, 2017

Roaming Without Borders

Following the latest European Commission proposal on wholesale roaming surcharges across the EEA, on 5 and 6 April, MEPs will debate on and vote for amending Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 as regards rules for wholesale roaming markets.
April 1, 2017

Education 4.0

Current schooling systems are badly equipped to deal with rapid technological innovation and changing work patterns such as the sharing economy and the rise of portfolio careers. This is particularly true of southern European countries where centralisation has restricted educational freedom and has led to weaker student performance and persistently high rates of youth unemployment
March 1, 2017

Regulations and Complexity Harm EU Labour Mobility

Labour market mobility in the European Union is increasing, but it remains too low to provide sufficient internal socio-economic adjustments. This situation reflects non-policy factors, such as linguistic and cultural differences, but also policy barriers. In particular, difficulties in the recognition of skills and professional qualifications and occupational licensing are still major hurdles.