
March 2, 2021

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is Oversold

After almost seven years of discussions and negotiations, it was announced on December 30, 2020, that the EU and China concluded in principle the negotiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).
October 8, 2020

Finding the Right Balance EU-China Relations After COVID-19

The virtual meeting between top-level EU and Chinese officials on 14 September appears to be an ironic metaphor of the increasing distance in the relationship. The online meeting replaced the much-anticipated Leipzig Summit, which aimed to further integrate two key economies in the world.
July 3, 2020

Post-Coronavirus, How Should the West Approach China?

Covid–19 has done more than cause a medical and economic crisis. It is provoking a major reorientation of the foreign policy of both the United States and Europe. At the heart of this is the question of their changing relationship with China.