
March 29, 2023

Emission Possible

This paper urges EU decision makers to include transportation and buildings into the already existing Emissions Trading System (ETS). The study found that consolidating the ETS would create a more efficient and cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU.
February 2, 2021

The EU National Energy And Climate Plans

With the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, the European Union has committed to being carbon-neutral by 2050. In order to achieve this goal, the EU Commission and the Member States have agreed upon binding targets to be met by 2030: emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) shall be cut by at least 40 per cent below 1990 levels, renewable energies shall cover at least 32 per cent of final energy demand, and energy efficiency shall be improved by at least 32.5 per cent as compared to business-as-usual.
June 25, 2020

Do Low Emissions Zones Really Work?

At the moment, the general sense of alarm caused by the supposed consequences of climate change is something that is shared by all Western societies. In order to tackle these consequences, various measures have been taken, amongst them the restriction of traffic.
March 31, 2020

What the EU Can Learn From Swiss and Scandinavian Carbon Tax Policies

The EU has established a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions through a €1tn European Green Deal. It aims to make the entire bloc carbon neutral by 2050. It includes a measure that, until now, has been considered too unwieldy, provocative, and legally troublesome for any nation to adopt: a carbon border tax.
February 4, 2020

Decentralisation of the Climate Crisis: Introducing Green Visas

Neoliberals often criticise governments for overly centralising the decision making process. They argue that this makes it difficult for individual actors to intervene, who may possess useful local information, thanks to their specialised skills and knowledge.
January 27, 2020

Climate Crises: The Myth of Eco Refugees

On 2nd December 2019, delegations from the United Nations convened in Madrid for COP25, the 25th annual Climate Change Conference. They gathered to discuss what is currently being done to counteract the effects of climate change.