
November 1, 2019

Time to Liberate Libra?

Libra, the new private digital money system sponsored by Facebook and a consortium of other firms, was announced on 18th June 2019, and officially aims to reduce certain inefficiencies in the remittance industry.
September 29, 2017

Perspectives for Poland

In the last 25 years, the Polish economy has grown faster than the economies of Western Europe and the US, which enabled a significant reduction of the distance separating it from richer countries. Annual GDP growth in the years 1992–2011 was 4.1%, which was the best result among those Central and Eastern European countries that started to transform at the same time as Poland.
June 1, 2016

France: the Hottest Economy You’ve Never Heard of

France badly needs economic reform. But we shouldn’t let negative news headlines blind us to the fact that the French economy has tremendous potential and that, provided a small number of important but feasible policy changes, it can do very well.