economic growth

April 12, 2017

Sea Change: How Markets and Property Rights Can Advance the Common Fisheries Policy

As the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union, the UK Government is expected to lay claim to a 200-nautical-mile fishing border off its coastal line and renegotiate agreements for fishing stocks that are shared with the European Union and neighbouring countries.
December 8, 2015

Searchers and Planners in Economic Development

Last week in London, William Easterly delivered the Institute of Economic Affairs’ 24th Annual Hayek Lecture. Easterly, a Professor at New York University and Director of its Development Research Institute, is considered an international authority on economic development.
November 23, 2015

Corporate Taxation Slows Down Economic Recovery in France

In its latest study (in English and French), the Institut Économique Molinari shows that corporate taxation continues to slow down economic recovery in France despite the CICE, a tax credit meant to encourage competitiveness and employment.
November 11, 2015

Deregulation and Reforms Are the Missing Ingredient in the Recovery

Writing in the Financial Times (“In the long shadow of the Great Recession,” 10 November), Martin Wolf meditates on the possible causes of substandard growth performance by many European economies in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.
November 26, 2014

“Unbundling” Search Engines

Given the lack of evidence of anti-competitive behaviour in the search engine market, action by the European Commission is unjustified. “Unbundling” will harm innovation, economic growth and the rule of law in the EU.
May 1, 2014

Economic Freedom in the Eu: Mediocre Today – World Leader Tomorrow?

Five years since the outbreak of the most severe economic crisis of our time, there is widespread consensus that today’s levels of unemployment, exclusion, deficit, and debt are unsustainable and need to be addressed. Yet the ongoing debate on “austerity vs. growth” is misleading and false.