economic freedom

January 22, 2021

Biden and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship

Under the Trump Administration, the world watched America retreat from globalism, international cooperation, and a committed partnership with Europe. The Trump presidency fostered American isolationism through actions like terminating US participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, and escalating trade tensions with the EU.
September 15, 2020

Is Populism Endangering Economic Freedom?

Nationalism and populism have permeated the sphere of global politics in the 21st century, and the EU is no exception. This particular change in the political environment inevitably causes changes in economic policy, as populist leaders tend to increase governmental spending, focus on more protectionist policies, and raise trade barriers.
January 9, 2019

Note About the White House Report ‘opportunity Costs of Socialism’

The White House’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) has published a report: “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism”. It is an interesting report with many relevant findings and conclusions. Its primary focus is describing the (negative) economic consequences of socialism as it was practiced in for example the Soviet Union. The report also includes a section about the Nordic countries including Denmark.
November 10, 2018

The Fight Against Poverty Depends on Economic Freedom

The most obvious benefit of economic freedom is that, as a system, it is the most conducive to widespread prosperity, that is, to high or rising income and consumption for the bulk of the population.
October 26, 2017

Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism

Throughout history, people have lived in extreme poverty. However, it is since the industrial revolution and flowering of the Enlightenment ideas – liberal in their nature – that a gigantic increase in human income happened.