Epicenter Fellows

Alexander Albrecht

Senior Fellow at Prometheus

Matthew Lesh

Director of Public Policy & Communications at the IEA

Otto Brøns-Petersen

Director of Analysis at CEPOS

Andreas Johansson Heinö

Publishing Director of Timbro

Cécile Philippe

President of Institut économique Molinari

Constantinos Saravakos

Research Project Coordinator at KEFiM

Carlo Stagnaro

Research & Studies Director of Istituto Bruno Leoni

Christopher Snowdon

Head of Lifestyle Economics at the IEA

Dr. William H. Wang

Head of Research at Fundalib

Elena Leontjeva

Founder and President of LFMI

Elena Leontjeva co-founded the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LMFI) in 1990 and acted as its President from 1993 until 2001. Currently she is the President of the LMFI again, and serves as the chairwomen of the Board of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute.

She has directed research and policy advocacy at the Institute, whilst playing a key role in her country’s transition. Elena has contributed to the reforms in the Banking system, introduction of the Currency Board and the Litas Credibility Law, building the legal foundations for the Securities Market and the Stock Exchange, Deregulation, Tax and budget reform as well as the introduction of Private Pension Insurance. She has also served as a State Councilor on economic reform in six consecutive administrations, and in 1998-9 has been chief economic advisor to Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus.

Elena holds degrees in economics, mathematics and programming, and having retired from the presidency of the LMFI in 2001, has dedicated herself to writing fiction. Since 2007 she studies the phenomena of lack, has pioneered and led multidisciplinary research on scarcity and lack, uniting philosophy, theology, anthropology, sociology, psychology and economics.

Alexander Albrecht

Senior Fellow at Prometheus

Alexander Albrecht is a Senior Fellow at Prometheus – Das Freiheitsinstitut. His main expertise is in the area of migration economics and economic growth.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in international Relations and Economics from the University of Erfurt, a Master’s degree from King’s College London in Political Economy. He is currently also undertaking postgraduate studies in economics at the University of Cambridge.

Radovan Ďurana

Head of Research at INESS

Radovan Durana is the Co-founder and Head of Research of INESS, where he is responsible for coordinating the public policy research of the institute. His field of expertise are taxation, pensions, economic and social policy, regulatory barriers, and labor market. His most recent publications have focused on climate policy issues and carbon taxation. He Radovan also oversees the Price of the State project, which provides clear information on the price of public services based on an analysis of public finance.
Radovan is one of the most frequently cited economists in national broadcast and print media in Slovakia.
Before he started his work at INESS in 2006, he worked as a risk analyst in commercial bank.

Matthew Lesh

Director of Public Policy & Communications at the IEA

Matthew Lesh is the Director of Public Policy and Communications at the Institute of Economic Affairs. He has written about the role of the business and the state, barriers to innovation, digital regulation and free speech, political divides, housing, and market environmentalism.

He regularly appears across television and radio, including the BBCSky News and GB News, and has been published in the Daily TelegraphThe TimesThe SpectatorThe Wall Street Journal, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian.

Matthew is also a Fellow of the Adam Smith Institute and an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs. He has also worked for Australian politicians, in digital communications, and founded a mobile application development start-up.

Otto Brøns-Petersen

Director of Analysis at CEPOS

Otto Brøns-Petersen is the Director of Analysis at Center for Political Studies (CEPOS), a Copenhagen based public policy research institution and member of EPICENTER. His main areas of public policy expertise are economic policy, climate and energy economics, tax policy, economic growth, and financial regulation. Otto has published on a wide number of subjects in economics, public policy, political science, and political philosophy. He is a regulator columnist for two of Denmark’s major newspapers, Berlingske Tidende and Jyllands-Posten.

He is a former Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Danish Ministry of Taxation, in charge of tax and general economic policy. Previously, he has been a Director for Economic Analysis at the Ministry of Taxation and a Director of Structural Economic Policies and Public Finances at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He has also taught at the University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business School.

Otto holds an MA in economics from the University of Copenhagen.

Andreas Johansson Heinö

Publishing Director of Timbro

Andreas Johansson Heinö is the Publishing Director of Timbro, EPICENTER’s Swedish member think tank.

He is an expert on populism and nationalism and author of the Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index. Andreas is a columnist for Dagens Nyheter and has written several books on nationalism, populism and migration in Sweden. His latest book ‘Anteckningar från kulturkriget’ (Notes from the Culture Wars) will be published in June 2021.

Andreas holds a PhD in political science from the University of Gothenburg.

Cécile Philippe

President of Institut économique Molinari

Cécile Philippe is the Founder and President of Institut économique Molinari, EPICENTER’s French member think tank. Cecile is an author and regular contributor to several French and English language newspapers. Her first book titled ‘C’est trop tard pour la terre’ (It’s too late for the Earth) deals with environmental matters and seeks to put an end to various myths, including the notion that regulation and taxation go hand in hand with environmental improvement. Her second book, titled ‘Trop tard pour la France? Osons remettre l’État à sa place’ (Too late for France? Let us dare to put the state back in its place) deals with the financial crisis and the role the state plays in our lives. Cécile is a regular guest on several TV and radio shows, including BFM, RFI, France 3 and LCI.

Cecile holds a doctorate in economics from Paris-IX Dauphine University and a Diploma in Advanced Studies in business management in developing countries.

Constantinos Saravakos

Research Project Coordinator at KEFiM

Constantinos Saravakos is a political scientist and Research Project Coordinator of KEFiM, EPICENTER’s Greek member think tank.

Constantinos is a member of the Greek Political Science Association and a member of the Economic Chamber of Greece.  His main research interests include regulation, political economy (poverty, inequality and prosperity) and political parties (democracy, populism and political behaviour).

He holds an MA in Political Science and Sociology (Hons) and a BSc in Philosophy and History of Science from University of Athens. He has also received his MSc in Applied Economics and Administration from Panteion University.

Alexander C.R. Hammond

Director of IATP

Alexander C. R. Hammond is the Director of the Initiative for African Trade and Prosperity, an IEA Free Trade Fellow, and Senior Fellow at African Liberty.

Formerly, Alexander worked in Washington D.C. as a Research Associate in the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, a Foreign Policy Fellow at Young Voices.

Alexander often writes about economic freedom, African development, British politics, and global wellbeing. He is also the author of HumanProgress.org’s Heroes of Progress column. Alexander’s works have been translated into multiple languages and have been featured in The Washington Times, Reason, The National Interest, The Washington Examiner, CityAM, Newsweek, CapX, Business Insider SSA, News24, FEE, the Cato Institute website, the HumanProgress blog, and various other outlets both in the United Kingdom and overseas.

Carlo Stagnaro

Research & Studies Director of Istituto Bruno Leoni

Carlo Stagnaro is the Research & Studies Director of Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy’s leading free market think tank.

Prior to his role at IBL, Carlo was chief of the Minister’s Technical Staff at Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development. His research interests are in the fields of energy economics and competition policy. Carlo is also a member of the Institute of Economic Affairs’ Academic Advisory Council, a fellow of the Italian Energy Poverty Observatory at the University of Padua’s Levi-Cases Center as well as a member of the editorial board of the quarterly journal “Energia”. He is a regular columnist for the daily magazines “Il Foglio” and “Il Secolo XIX”. His latest book is “Contro il sovranismo economico”, written together with Alberto Saravalle (Rizzoli, 2020).

Carlo has an MSc in Environmental Engineering from the University of Genoa and a PhD in Economics, Markets, Institutions from IMT Alti Studi – Lucca.

Christopher Snowdon

Head of Lifestyle Economics at the IEA

Christopher Snowdon is the Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs in London – EPICENTER’s British member think tank.

He is the author of The Art of Suppression, The Spirit Level Delusion and Velvet Glove; Iron Fist. Christopher is also the editor of the Nanny State Index, a league table of the best and worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape. His work focuses on pleasure, prohibition and dodgy statistics. He has authored a number of publications including Sock Puppets, Euro Puppets, The Proof of the Pudding, The Crack Cocaine of Gambling and Free Market Solutions in Health. Chris

Latchezar Bogdanov

IME Chief Economist

Lachezar Bogdanov has been the Chief Economist of IME since 2019. His research focuses on macroeconomic policy, public finance, the tax system and the labour market. He is the author of a number of analyses supporting reforms and initiatives to increase economic freedom, remove regulations and improve the investment climate. He worked as a consultant on restructuring and efficiency improvement projects in the public sector in Bulgaria and other countries of the region. In 2004, he was one of the founders of the research and consulting company Industry Watch. He studied at the Sofia Mathematical High School and the University of National and World Economy.

Dr. William H. Wang

Head of Research at Fundalib

Dr. William Hongsong Wang is an Associate Professor of Economics at the European University of Madrid and Head of Research at the Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty (Fundalib). His main research research interests include environmental economics, the history of economic thought, entrepreneurship and public policy. Considered as one of the leading academics of the Austrian School Economics in Spain, he has published more than ten works on research and public policy. He was born in Shanghai and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Universidad Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).  




EPICENTER, the European Policy Information Center, is an independent initiative of ten leading think tanks from across Europe. It seeks to inform the European policy debate and promote the principles of a free society by bringing together the expertise of its members.

Institute for Market Economics - Bulgaria

The Institute for Market Economics (IME) is the first and oldest independent economic policy think tank in Bulgaria. Its mission is to advocate free market solutions to challenges citizens of Bulgaria and the region face in reforms. IME methods are in-depth research, fact-based advocacy, targeted efforts towards decision-makers, active media presence, events and spreading the ideas of the free market among young people. IME is incremental in policy changes in tax policy, deregulation, rule of law and social policy. It also has expertise in labour market regulation, education and healthcare.

For more information about IME, visit ime.bg

CEPOS - Denmark

CEPOS is an independent Danish think tank promoting a society based on freedom, responsibility, private initiative, and limited government.

CEPOS wishes to contribute to more personal and economic freedom, rule of law and democracy as well as a limited government sustained by healthy civil institutions, such as family, civil associations, and cultural life. CEPOS encourages competition, supports free markets, global free trade and opposes government subsidies to businesses.

For more information about CEPOS, visit www.cepos.dk

Institut Économique Molinari - France

The Institut Économique Molinari is a research and educational organisation aimed at undertaking and stimulating an economic approach to the analysis of public policy. It is named after Gustave de Molinari, a Franco-Belgian economist and journalist who devoted his life to fostering such an approach. The IEM’s mission is to propose alternative and innovative solutions that will promote the prosperity of all individuals in society.

For more information about the IEM, visit www.institutmolinari.org


Prometheus champions an open and liberal society. We believe that a vibrant civil society, decentralised solutions, and an entrepreneurial spirit are the foundation of a world in which all people are constantly improving. We inspire the do-it-yourself ethos by communicating ideas and by networking current and future decision makers. Prometheus offers a home to freedom-loving people. As the only classical-liberal think tank in Germany, Prometheus is funded exclusively by private donations.

For more information about Prometheus, visit www.prometheusinstitut.de

KEFIM - Greece

KEFiM is Greece’s premier free-market think tank that envisions Greece as a role model of economic and civil liberty where citizens are allowed to pursue their dreams and aspirations freely. Its mission is to increase individual and economic freedoms of Greeks through the promotion of liberal ideas and policy proposals. KEFiM focuses its work on four strategic pillars: the promotion of sound policy proposals that influence policy making, the protection of civil liberties through judicial activism, the promotion of economic literacy through educational campaigns, and the development of a bipartisan liberal movement. KEFiM is a member of the Atlas Network, EPICENTER, and the European Liberal Forum.

For more information about KEFiM, visit www.kefim.org

Istituto Bruno Leoni - Italy

The Istituto Bruno Leoni (IBL) seeks to promote a more informed discussion of topics like the environment, competition, energy, liberalisation, tax policy, privatisation and welfare state reform. Established in 2003, IBL strives to act as a resource for politicians and policy makers by stimulating greater awareness among private citizens on all questions related to public policy and the role of the state.

For more information about the IBL, visit www.brunoleoni.it

Lithuanina Free Market Institute - Lithuania

The Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) is a private non-profit non-party organisation established in 1990 to promote the ideas of individual freedom and responsibility, the free market, and limited government intervention. Our goal is to assist the accomplishment of the common interests of the people of Lithuania, which are best implemented in a free market where every individual pursues his or her objectives – without any privileges, protection or restrictions – by serving society and not relying on the government apparatus.

For more information about the LFMI, visit www.llri.lt

FOR - Poland

Civil Development Forum (FOR Foundation) is a non-governmental think tank based in Poland promoting and defending economic freedom, the rule of law, individual liberties, private property, entrepreneurial activities, and ideas of limited government. Our activities are based on our vision of a society with favorable conditions for growth and productive activities, combining labour, entrepreneurship, innovation, saving, investment and obtaining knowledge. FOR aims to achieve its goals through fact-based reports and analysis, efficient communication and civil society mobilization.

For more information about FOR, visit www.for.org.pl

Warsaw Enterprise Institute - Poland

The Warsaw Enterprise Institute is a Polish free market think tank conducting research, analyses and educational projects, and publishes commentaries, positions, memoranda and reports. It prepares solutions for both state institutions and independent social and commercial entities.

For more information about WEI, visit wei.org.pl

INESS - Slovakia

The Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) is an independent non-profit think tank founded in 2005. Its vision is for Slovakia to endorse free enterprise, prosperity, individual liberty, and peace and to create a country, where citizens are aware of the functions and benefits of market mechanisms and the impact of government interventions in the economy. INESS is based on three pillars for its activities: policy analysis, policy advocacy, and educational activities. Its areas of expertise are public finance, taxation, healthcare, education, social system, monetary policy, regulation, labour market, energy policy, agriculture, green deal, economic policy, intellectual property rights, and competition. INESS is financed by voluntary individual or corporate donations and revenues from its own activities.

For more information about INESS, visit www.iness.sk

Foundation for Advancement of Freedom - Spain

Spain’s Fundación para el Avance de la Libertad (Fundalib) is a private and non-partisan think tank working to foster the cause of liberty since 2015. Its mission is to promote the advancement of individual human freedom in all of its aspects and the success of the organisations and entities that promote and defend it. Fundalib’s vision is that of prosperous human societies, organised through the spontaneous order of culture and markets, and respectful of the individual freedom of their members.

For more information about Foundation for Advancement of Freedom , visit fundalib.org

TIMBRO - Sweden

Timbro’s mission is to originate, promote and disseminate ideas and issues supporting the principles of free markets, free enterprise, individual liberty and a free society. Timbro’s main research areas are health and welfare reform, environment and growth, culture, migration issues as well as aid and global development. Our operations also include Timbro Media Institute and foreign policy institute Frivärld – Stockholm Free World Forum.

For more information about Timbro, visit www.timbro.se

Institute of Economic Affairs - United Kingdom

The IEA is the UK’s original free-market think-tank, founded in 1955. Its mission is to improve understanding of the fundamental institutions of a free society by analysing and expounding the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. Given the current economic challenges facing Britain and the wider global environment, it is more vital than ever to promote the intellectual case for a free economy, low taxes, freedom in education, health and welfare and lower levels of regulation. The IEA also challenges people to think about the correct role of institutions, property rights and the rule of law in creating a society that fosters innovation, entrepreneurship and the efficient use of environmental resources.

For more information about IEA, visit www.iea.org.uk

ICG Research - Albania

The International Center for Global Research (ICGR) is a prominent platform dedicated to interdisciplinary research on global issues. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, ICGR seeks to advance knowledge and address complex challenges worldwide.

For more information about ICG Research, visit icgresearch.org

Association Multi - Bosnia

Multi is a dynamic think tank based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dedicated to fostering innovative solutions for societal challenges. Through research, advocacy, and collaboration, Multi strives for impactful change and sustainable development.

For more information about Multi, visit multi.ba

Centre for Public Policy and Economic Analysis - Croatia

The Centre for Public Policy and Economic Analysis (CEA) is a leading advocate for secure, free, and competitive transatlantic institutions, encouraging policy learning from developed countries. The think tank's key objectives include advancing policy analysis for EU and NATO expansion, strengthening defence and the transatlantic partnership, supporting the rule of law, free market, privatisations, limited government, and safe immigration with a focus on law and order.

For more information about CETA, visit cea-policy.hr

Center for Economic and Market Analysis - Czech Republic

The objective of the Center for Economic and Market Analysis is to analyse market, socio-economic, and political phenomena in the Czech Republic, emphasising the impact on the society. CETA focuses on research questions related to regulatory processes, economic growth barriers, well-being creation, and the development of economic freedom.

For more information about CETA, visit eceta.cz

Liberální institut – Czech Republic

The Liberal Institute, registered on 6 February 1990, is a free market, classical liberal think tank located in the Czech Republic. The activities of the Liberal Institute are based on original scientific projects and its own research, which are the basis for other activities in the fields of education, like lectures, summer schools, discussion forums, as well as its various books, studies, scientific and newspaper articles.

For more information about Liberální institut, visit libinst.cz

Center for Free Economic Thought - Estonia

The Center for Financial Education and Technology (CFET) at the Estonian Business School (EBS) is a pioneering hub for research and innovation in finance and technology. Committed to excellence, CFET drives advancements in financial education and technological integration.

For more information about CFET, visit ebs.ee

Libera - Finland

Libera is an independent and politically unaffiliated think tank that supports and advances individual liberty, free enterprise, free markets, and a free society. Libera publishes a variety of materials both online and in print, conduct research and organise public events, such as debates on current topics and a Summer Academy for students Libera was founded in 2011 by Gustav von Hertzen and Petri Kajander.

For more information about Libera, visit libera.fi

Consumer Choice Center - Luxembourg

The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) is a globally recognized advocacy organization championing consumer rights and economic freedom. Through research and outreach, CCC empowers consumers and promotes policies that enhance choice and innovation.

For more information about CCC, visit consumerchoicecenter.org

Mais Liberdade - Portugal

Mais Liberdade, established in 2021, is a liberal organisation dedicated to promoting the pillars of a free society—individual freedom, political freedom, and market economy. Advocating for causes such as free trade, tax competitiveness, and social mobility, Mais Liberdade focuses on enhancing financial literacy and fostering informed decision-making through policy studies.

For more information about Liberdade, visit maisliberdade.pt

Institute for Economic Studies Europe - Romania

The aim of The Institute for Economic Studies Europe is to stand at the centre of a worldwide network of students, scholars and other intellectuals. Since 1989, the Institute has aimed at discovering, developing and supporting among students, scholars and other intellectuals who share an interest in exploring and applying the principles of classical liberalism.

For more information about IES Europe, visit ies-europe.org

Center for Anti-Authoritarian Studies - Serbia

The Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CAAS) is a leading Serbian think tank focused on economic research and policy analysis. Committed to fostering evidence-based solutions, CAAS drives informed decision-making and sustainable development.

For more information about CAAS, visit caas.rs

Visio Institute - Slovenia

Visio, Institute of Economic and Strategic Research, is an independent and autonomous Slovenian think tank. The mission of the Visio Institute is to shape and promote classical liberal policies and institutions that lead to an open, free, developed, and just Slovenia.

For more information about the Visio Institute, visit visio-institut.org

Avenir Suisse - Switzerland

Avenir Suisse is a renowned Swiss think tank committed to shaping the country's future through innovative policy research and analysis. With a focus on economic and social issues, Avenir Suisse promotes prosperity and sustainable development.

For more information about Libera, visit avenir-suisse.ch

Freedom Research Association - Turkey

Founded in August 2014, the Freedom Research Association (FRA) comprises academics, business professionals, journalists, and legal experts committed to conducting liberal and scientifically-driven public policy research. FRA is dedicated to fostering a free and prosperous Turkey, advocating for individual liberties, rule of law, peace, and fair, competitive markets.

For more information about the OAD, visit oad.org.tr

Bendukidze Free Market Center - Ukraine

The Bendukidze Free Market Center is a renowned think tank advocating for free market principles and economic liberalism. With a focus on research and policy analysis, it aims to promote prosperity and individual freedom.

For more information about Bendukidze Free Market Center, visit bendukidze.org