Fiscal & Taxation Briefings

April 1, 2016

Prospects for Agricultural Reform in the EU

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is today the EU’s most expensive policy, taking up almost half of the annual budget. It is also its most interventionist and complex policy. Multiple reforms have created a system of decoupled payments to farmers that protect and prolong the life of small-scale farms and constrain large-scale farming and the evolution towards a more efficient industry structure.
February 1, 2016

Regulatory Approaches to the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is based on reductions in transaction costs which enable exchanges that were previously not possible. Sharing economy firms facilitate a more efficient use of assets, to the benefit of both asset owners and prospective users. Its potential positive impact on welfare has been estimated at over €1,000 per EU citizen.
December 1, 2015

Openness Can Pay Off: the Economic Impact of Migrants

Existing evidence from large refugee migrations and the recent influx of Syrian migrants into Middle Eastern countries shows no adverse effects of migration on native workers. In some instances, the findings show beneficial effects due to worker complementarities.
January 1, 2015

Response: European Commission Report on Investment Protection in TTIP

A response to the European Commission’s findings in its 2014 consultation on investment protection and the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP, including the four areas for further improvement identified by DG TRADE.
December 16, 2014

Updating the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

The Commission should work to preserve the highest degree of tax competition between Member States. The CCCTB poses the danger of fundamentally hindering this vital feature of the internal market, and should therefore be reconsidered.