Fiscal & Taxation Briefings

January 1, 2018

Is Neoliberalism to Blame for Orbàn and Le Pen?

Populism is on the rise, especially in Europe. Determining the causes is of crucial political importance. Some claim that “neoliberal” policies such as deregulation and free trade have contributed to the populist tide.
December 1, 2017

Credit Day: Debt and Deficit in a Bipolar EU

6 December marks Credit Day across the European Union. This is the day when, on average, European countries’ central administrations will exhaust their annual tax revenue and start living on credit to meet their spending commitments, according to a study by the Institut Economique Molinari.
December 1, 2017

2017 Index of Liberalisations: a Summary

The 2017 IBL Index of Liberalisations aims to shed light on the degree of openness of the 28 Member States by examining ten different economic sectors. First published in 2007, the Index began classifying all of the 28 EU Member States in 2015.
November 22, 2017

No Platform? On the Economics of P2b Exchange

The picture that emerges from the EC surveys of consumers and business regarding platforms is not of a market in which users are routinely abused. Rather, what we observe is a market where users are broadly happy, although they agree that things could always be better. Crucially, they have ways to make their discontent heard.