Energy & Environment Publications

March 1, 2014

Ibl Memo: Policy Framework for Climate and Energy in the Period From 2020 to 2030

Current obligations by the EU to decrease GHG emissions by 20% by 2020 are the most ambitious among industrialised nations. Because of these obligations EU citizens and businesses are experiencing an increasing fnancial burden, EU businesses are losing competitiveness vis-à-vis other industrial or industrialising nations, and a huge bureaucracy has been created that shall perforce have an interest to perpetuate itself.
November 1, 2013

Liberal Voices. A Response to the EC Public Consultation on the 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies

The EU has a clear framework to steer its energy and climate policies up to 2020.The 2030 framework should build on the experience and lessons from the current framework.
November 1, 2013

Liberal Voices. A Response to the EC Public Consultation on Sustainable Buildings

The European Commission wants to gather views and additional information on the possible introduction of EU wide measures to achieve better environmental performance of buildings.
November 1, 2013

Liberal Voices. A Response to the EC Consultation on Sustainability of the Food System

A growing number of analyses question the long-term sustainability of the current trends in the production and consumption of food. Many of today´s food production systems compromise the capacity of Earth to produce food in the future.