Digital Briefings

November 1, 2016

Google Shopping: the Arguments Revisited

The arguments on which the various competition cases against Google are being fought involve core features of economic interaction in multi-sided digital markets. As such, the final outcome will have a long-standing impact on platform innovation in the EU.
June 1, 2016

The EU Goes Digital (Sort of)

While entrepreneurship and innovation are flourishing across much of the EU’s private sector, public policy has lagged behind most recent technological developments. For instance, far too many national governments are failing to create a climate of openness for the sharing economy, despite its widely acknowledged potential to benefit consumers by as much as €1,000 per EU citizen, and to create employment and business opportunities in the process.
May 1, 2015

La Politique De Concurrence Dans L’économie Numérique

À la lumière des affaires récentes dans le secteur numérique, la politique de concurrence doit changer. Les chiffres portant sur les parts de marché tendent à sous-estimer la prédominance des forces concurrentielles, et les enquêtes récentes de la DG COMP ont systématiquement ignoré la possibilité que des innovations majeures se produisent en dehors du marché concerné.
April 1, 2015

Competition Policy in the Digital Economy

In light of recent cases in the digital sector, competition policy needs to change. Market share figures tend to underestimate the prevalence of competitive forces, and recent DG COMP probes have consistently ignored the possibility of innovation coming from outside the relevant market. Without a substantive change in outlook, it is likely that competition will be harmed by intervention.