
July 27, 2023

Alcohol Advertising: What Does The Evidence Show?

The economics literature shows that advertising can increase the sale of individual brands but, in mature markets, does not increase aggregate sales of the type of product being advertised.
July 20, 2023

The Risks Of The Digital Markets Act

In July 2023 the European Commission starts the process of designating gatekeepers on digital markets. Large digital companies deemed to have a large user base and a strong economic and intermediation position on the internal market will have to comply with certain “do’s” and “don’ts” in their daily operations.
June 5, 2023

Did Lockdowns Work? The Verdict On Covid Restrictions

The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the effect of lockdowns, also referred to as ‘Covid restrictions’, ‘social distancing measures’ etc., on COVID-19 mortality based on available empirical evidence.
May 31, 2023

Nanny State Index 2023

Germany has taken the top spot as the freest country in Europe once again, with the least amount of nannying regulations like banning, taxing, and regulating food & soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, and e-cigarettes.
March 29, 2023

Emission Possible

This paper urges EU decision makers to include transportation and buildings into the already existing Emissions Trading System (ETS). The study found that consolidating the ETS would create a more efficient and cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU.

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EPICENTER publications and contributions from our member think tanks are designed to promote the discussion of economic issues and the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. As with all EPICENTER publications, the views expressed here are those of the author and not EPICENTER or its member think tanks (which have no corporate view).


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EPICENTER publications and contributions from our member think tanks are designed to promote the discussion of economic issues and the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. As with all EPICENTER publications, the views expressed here are those of the author and not EPICENTER or its member think tanks (which have no corporate view).