
February 4, 2021

Over-reach: the Eu’s Lifestyle Regulation Plans

A report published by the European Commission on 3 February 2021 proposes a range of nanny state interventions intended to reduce the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and ‘unhealthy food’ (European Commission 2021).
December 11, 2019

Achieving a Carbon Neutral Economy by 2050

The new European Green Deal plans to make the EU carbon neutral by 2050 while opening up new possibilities for development and employment. The European Commission wants to send a strong message to the world on dealing with climate change, but a number of thorny issues will need to be tackled.
November 1, 2019

Time to Liberate Libra?

Libra, the new private digital money system sponsored by Facebook and a consortium of other firms, was announced on 18th June 2019, and officially aims to reduce certain inefficiencies in the remittance industry.
September 1, 2019

The Nanny State Index 2019

The Epicenter Nanny State Index is a league table of the best and worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape. Finland tops the table as the least free country. Germany is the freest country.
August 24, 2019

Two Cheers for the EU-Mercosur Agreement

The new EU-Mercosur Agreement only superficially rejects protectionism. As much as it liberalises trade, it also protects European defensive interests and extends the EU’s regulatory influence, to the detriment of Mercosur producers and European consumers.

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EPICENTER publications and contributions from our member think tanks are designed to promote the discussion of economic issues and the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. As with all EPICENTER publications, the views expressed here are those of the author and not EPICENTER or its member think tanks (which have no corporate view).